Candace Boettcher about 'Locking the Monkey'

Today I am happy and glad to share something with you all that not only touched me but also gave me deep warm feeling into one of our student's trust and effort along the path.
Candace Boettcher, a martial artist and self-cultivation practitioner as well as a Primary School Teacher from Virginia, USA, gave a glimpse of her experience with one of our Meditation Sets called 锁心猿 静坐 or 打坐 suǒ xīn yuán jìngzuò / dǎ zuò.
I like to share Candace's experience with you because her description embodies something that happened to me around 19 years ago.

It has something extraordinary to go through this with trust and belief. Not giving up. Making Mind- and Willpower free. We are manifesting it from the deepest inner self into our daylight action.
I hope you enjoy it as I did when reading and Thank You, Candace, to let us be part of your journey.
Following is the Full Text Private Mail from Candace Boettcher:
I wanted to give a brief summary of my experience with the meditation sequence. If you’re ever explaining the meditation’s success rate to others, maybe my story can help give evidence to how life changing the meditation can be…
I started the sequence the day you explained it at our dinner table. Prior to trying this particular meditation.. I have tried many many many types of meditations.
I lived in China for 6 months and was taught by a number of different teachers how to meditate. And what it means to meditate. And I worked on acquiring even the smallest amount of control over my monkey brain for several years. With absolutely no success at ALL.
I started to become actually quite surprised that I was making no gains although I was putting SO much

time and mental effort into it. Although I never gave up, I started to think I was approaching the whole thing wrong. Until this “locking the monkey” meditation.
Since I’ve started it, my control over my own mind has changed drastically. Therefore completely changing for the positive; my whole life, the outlook I have on the world, my perception of space and time and people and relationships and who I am and how to handle difficulties and emotions!
My ability to learn has ramped up ten fold. Anything I read or hear or learn, I can immediately retain, which never was the case. And my ability to calm any single emotion or thought is tremendous.
I thank the universe greatly for putting me at that dinner table conversation that night, for it has changed my destiny.

Candace with her Life-Partner Alex Bechtold